Use this page to print and mail your form after filling using our 7 step app. Check out our FAQ below if you have any questions!

About Us

What is Form 8822-B?

If you have formed a Business or other entity with an EIN, and you either

  • Change the location of your business
  • Change the mailing address you would like to communicate with the IRS
  • Change the identity of your responsible party…

Then you will need to report this change to the IRS within 60 days

Why use our 8822b to change your companies address?

We have built the simplest way to submit a form 8822b address change with the IRS in less than five minutes, on the internet. Our small business customers use BoldPDF to manage their documents and we built to help them navigate changes to to their business easily on the internet, in line with the rest of the world.

We have several businesses and we have done this both via form as well as on the phone. It takes an hour on the phone and depending on the circumstances can take hours to print a copy of the form, seal it in an envelope and mail it at a post office or USPS mailbox.

Over the next year we are going to upload every single simple IRS form which requires submission by snail mail to BoldPDF. We’ve linked this template with another one of our products Mailform to actually send the mail. If you have a form you care about, or other feedback just send us a note, or the url.

By the way, the IRS supports electronic forms so try us out now.

Who we are

Who we are NOT

We are not CPAs.

We are not affiliated with the IRS.

We are not providing legal advice.